Hospital Management System

A Modern and Complete Hospital Automation Software that suites to almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits to Operation to Pathology Test etc.

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Hospital Management System

Our solution would make it easier to scale up the hospital network by easily managing the resources, avoiding wastage, making an efficient workforce, and a better management of data. Such a system could provide a hassle-free care for the patient, and make everyone's work much easier.

Our Hospital Management System suites to almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits to Operation to Pathology Test etc. It includes 25+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Pathologist, Radiologist, Receptionist and Patient) panel.

Our Aim is to promote digitization in the Healthacre sector.

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Online Appoinments

Patients can now check online availability of doctors and schedule an appointment accordingly.

Live Consultation

Doctors can now attend to patients online through live consultation feature without any hassel.

Blood Bank

Maintaining an inventory for each blood group, ensuring an average age of blood at the time.

Bed Management

Users can facilitate their beds for their better convenience and understanding to be featured. Bed types are VIP ward, AC, Non Ac. etc.

Cases Management

Case management is very necessary and needs to be effective for coordinating and providing care that is safe, on-time, efficient, equitable & patient-centred

Patient Admissions

After registering a case file, the patient is moved to their respective treatment and make an admission of them. You can add patient admission details by entering details.


Here you can manage the services of hospitals like Ambulance, Home visit and many more. After creating services, you can select that service for a specific package of your choice with ease


All hospital doctors are managed in this module. Doctor him/herself can manage their patients. Case handling, appointments management of patients, provide medication for patients & write prescriptions.


Help to prepare medications by reviewing and interpreting physician orders and detecting therapeutic incompatibilities. Dispenses medications by compounding, packaging, and labelling pharmaceuticals.


Parents can now track all their wards activities and progress with the parent panel login, also parents can pay fees online.