Tanisi School Erp

A School Management Software which is specifically designed and developed to simplify & automate the daily tasks of educational institutions.

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School Management System

Our solution is a Complete School Automation Software that suites to almost every school or educational institution from student admission to student leaving, from fees collection to exam results.

Our School Management ERP can be used to manage all the administrative tasks and functions of the schools in an effective manner, several tasks can be managed from our School Management ERP, there are so many areas in the schools that should be handle with expertise. Admissions, Attendance, Assessment, Fees and Accounting Management, Attendance Tracking, Virtual Learning are just some of the major things in the school’s administration. All these demands can be fulfilled with our solution.
We provide you with a ERP software which is an all-inclusive school/campus management system designed to make every operation in an institute run smoothly and provide administrators with better access to staff and student information. Every year, education institutions need to accumulate and safely store endless information from numerous processes. Our ERP software helps in recording this data in real-time and manage operations effectively.

Our Aim is to promote digitization in the education sector.

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Online Student Admission

Robust Student admission form with over 40 fields, with bulk upload of data. Students can now register online and fill up their details

Online Fees Collection

Collect fees online & offline, also easily set up fees structure such as fees type, fees group etc, add due dates, discounts & fines as well.

Internal Chat System

Eradicate the hassle of communication gap, Students & parents can now easily chat with school faculty with our integrated chat system..

Live Classes & Meetings

Set up live classes and meetings without any hassle.Automatic notification sent to students & parents with live class schedule.

Online Examination

Schedule online/offline exams, assign exams to individual student or class & let our advanced algorithim correct the exams.

Homework & Assignments

Assign homework assignments to students, upload study material such as videos files etc & also submit assignments.

Expense & Income

Keep a track of all school expenses on a central database which makes it easier for school accounting purposes in the future.

Smart Attendance

Mark student and staff attendance with few clicks,student attendance can be marked day wise or period wise as well.


Add subjects, lesson plans, topics, teaching method and easily track completion of portion & topics.


Generate documents such as Marksheets, Leaving/Transfer Certificates, Bonafide Certificates, Student & Staff Id Cards etc.

Parent Monitoring

Parents can now track all their wards activities and progress with the parent panel login, also parents can pay fees online.

Library Management

Keep a record of all books, quantity, authors etc. Issue books to students and keep a track on the issue and return date.

Benifits Of Our Solution

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We have designed ou solution in such a way that it can be easily integrated into any School Management Environment.
Our School ERP is Easy-To-Use software, which will easily adjust into any school frame & will reduce overall mangement cost.
We offer complete School Automation Software which is suites for each and every educational institute like school, college and universities.
Our solution is caters to all your needs of managing school, college, and any other educational institution eliminating the tedious manual processes.
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No additional cost on accounting software's & skilled manpower to use such software's. Generate income & expense report with in seconds.
Internal Chat/SMS/Email system eradicates stationery, printing, distribution & manpower cost for notices, timetables, homework, assignments etc
Multilanguage functionality bridges the gap between students, parents & teachers thus increasing the digital rating of schools.
Send Bulk SMS & email notifications to parents, students, staff etc with in a click, also keep a track on the usage of SMS & emails sent.
Save the cost on third party payroll application. Pay salaries online, generate E-pay slips with the help of HR & Payroll Automation.
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Student Information
Online Examinations
Lesson Plan
Human Resources
Audit Trail
User Log